Striving for purpose…& thrive. (Part 1)

I see how everyone lately keeps telling me that everything will turn for the best, that the pieces will fall into place, that my situation (“current unemployment and spiralling state of not knowing what to do with my life) is temporal not an eternal state of suffering. I believe it true sometimes, but there are other times when I am massively scared of the unknown.

We all are in some way, only that some of us decide to look away and ignore this and keep on moving with our lives (that’s the normal thing to do). But these days I have too much free time in my hands and the itch of dwelling about the future and daydreaming of what could be harasses me constantly If I don’t stay busy.

But one thing I believe is that in difficulty we find opportunity.

As I said I have been struggling lately to find an ideal job fit for me.


Maybe that’s what happens when you turn down a fairly respectable job offer (auxiliar graphic designer) at a bank just because the pay wasn’t what you originally expected. lesson learnt! 

What could possibly make me think that I am in some way better than that job. I am not too good for it, there would tons of people looking to obtain such a job, and the economy let’s face is still recovering and there are millions of people unemployed and unable to catch a break. I am only thankful because I have a roof over my head and not struggling to pay rent and have all things necessary to live decent.

Maybe that job was not necessarily what I am meant to do for the rest of my life, not the real purpose of my being but it can be a transporter and a propeller to the next stage in my life. It can be a job to help me sustain a decent living to get where I want to be. Sometimes as I had said many times is all about perspective, and as long as I’m alive there are opportunities, waiting for me to take advantage of them.


I’m tired of feeling sorry for myself and telling others & myself the same sad story over and over again. I have began writing a new chapter and as I do this I believe the fear and uncertainty will melt away.

I am ready to throw away this story, because it is not helping me create a future. I am at this moment writing a new story of someone who as a fact is at the moment unemployed but will move to do great things and is on this earth with a purpose, and now in the search of that purpose of what my creator put me here to do. 

First I am setting a vision for myself and what my dreams could achieve.

We have to divorce those stories that are not helping us to make a better future in our lives.


However, we are not certain of anything, we all just throw our wishes in the fountain of life, hoping it will return to us with the best solution.

because the one thing I’m most afraid of is to fail, to be a complete failure and disappointment for my parents and ultimately myself, but I cannot built success over failure thoughts and vibes. 

So I have launched a little retrospective campaign to look inward of myself and start doing things things I used to enjoy doing like painting, writing etcetera. We are not just one thing, we can look at what other people are doing and we probably could do the same, maybe even better, you just have to test the waters.

I was watching a podcast with Elizabeth gilbert one of these restless afternoons and I heard that in order to be successful a lot people say we should follow our passion, but passion is a feeling that we get in a specific moment, is not a feeling we can attain daily, instead she mentioned we should follow our curiosity, wherever we have curiosity, keep following it and it will guide you to what you have really have passion for and ultimately what you are meant to do.


So I have been following my curiosity and I have been reading in all of this books and I hope that someday I could be able to write a book myself to share with the world a little of the wisdom I have obtain from living on this earth. May be it would be a best-seller, or maybe it won’t ,but I will for sure keep practicing and trying, because from trail and error, we learn and we develop and maybe one of these days luck will come If I am open my heart enough to the possibilities, when I probably least expect it, the ray of light will hit me and boom! have a breakthrough! 

and when those fears of failure come creeping down on us, just say to say to yourself that you are willing to try at least, no matter the outcome and that is what courage is, to fear but to do it anyway. Just think to yourself that you have to do it . (I cannot take complete credit on this, I learn this from Oprah’s life class: “Living fearlessly,” advise you to watch it)

“The only solution to fear is massive action, just do something, even if its wrong you can change it.” by Tony Robbins.

peace, hope you enjoyed this and that it helps you live better!

let’s try to create a story worthy to tell others, that induces others do the same and thrive. wish you success!